Friday 9 May 2014

Character Colour Palettes

I've been exploring different colour palettes for my characters.  Each "stereotype" will have a distinct colour scheme in order to be easily recogniseable and more unified.

For the Goths I focused on dark, gritty, dreary colours - lots of dark shades and blacks with the occasional tint to create visual interest.

The Burn Outs have palettes consisting of dirty, grungy colours such as khaki and maroon balanced with pastels like lilac to mimic their earthy, laid back personalities.

The Nerds were a bit trickier.  I wanted to get across their tech-savvy but somewhat timidness.  I used metallic cold grays with pale, pastel tints and splashes of energetic reds/greens/blues.

Finally, the Jocks palette needed to be vibrant and energetic to communicate their athleticism. I used lots of loud, vibrant and fresh colours such as orange, lime and turquoise and also looked to sports teams for inspiration - For example the purple and yellow was inspired by The Lakers NBA team.

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